The world was what it was. Moving in its own pace.Then came technology, and the world started shrinking and started moving at a faster pace.First they wanted to bring the people together around the world to chat rooms to get to know about each
other.Distances apart, but available online.People from different places whom you wouldn't have dreamed of knowing.I once had a pen friend in Romania.Then it started moving at more faster pace and people started to drift apart.Then they realized to forget about strangers, there is more to connect with friends in one's own circle, as gone are the days where people settle down in the same places they grew up.So we saw Classmates,Geocities,Friendster.Now we keep seeing Orkut ,Facebook and a lot more.
For people who weren't getting enough from having a profile and scrapbooks,walls to write, Twitter came to rescue.Now we know what our dear ones and not so near ones
do every single day.Celebrities have found it a perfect way to communicate with their fans.First there is not much to write which saves more time.So its just few words but still they can be connected to their fans.I have a friend of mine who is a cricket freak ,she watches the match on tv and listens to the commentary over the fm at the same time.She anxiously follows her favourite cricketers' tweets.When one realises there is nothing more to be connected to,Apple wronged them.
People,when apple gave us iTunes10 ,it also gave us "Ping".Ping , a social network for music.Now I know what my friends listen to .What concerts they are planning to attend.He may be a long lost friend from school.But I still, can even know, what is his taste in music.Also I can get to know what are the songs the celebs listen to.So when you are walking down the streets of Sydney far away from home, and you see an old friend , who is so active online,you can connect with him or her in the current moment precisely without the traditional "How have you been?", for its not, just his or her current status you are aware of, but even their play list too.
So after a little talk, you may also want to ask "I see you are listening to Endhiran.So is your favorite song ,Robo da"?
Welcome to Ping.
And it might be, just this ultimate one for music.But then for sure, tomorrow we will be wronged again.
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