Google Chrome 5

Google Chrome, one of the fastest growing web browser is on top of the competition again with it's new release of the beta version of Chrome browser - Chrome 5. Considered to be faster than the pervious versions, it has several new features that makes Chrome more preferrable than the other browsers.

The bookmark sync feature helps user to keep the bookmarks synchronized along with themes, start up settings and langugaes on multiple computers using a google account.

This beta release also includes new HTML5 features like file drag-and-drop, Geolocation APIs etc.

Another good thing about this browser is that, it has a built in Adobe Flash Player that gets updated automatically, thus rescuing the user from the usual flash update problems.

To demonstrate the speed at which this browser renders a page, Google has come up with a series of fun, unconventional speed tests that actually shows how fast the browser is.

Excited about the features of Chrome 5 and want to give it a try?? Get it here.

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